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Nature is our teacher


“Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach us more than we can ever learn from books.”
John Lubbock

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Sea Hugger embodies the movement to incorporate outdoor education into the general education system. We believe it is crucial for humans to learn to respect and care for our planet at a young age, to ensure a lifetime of appreciation and good stewardship of our home.


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We have broken down our philosophy into three basic principles:

  1. We believe it is important for kids to comprehend the importance of understanding the world around them. On their journey of becoming stewards of the land, kids must develop knowledge of connectedness between ecological, sociological, and cultural principals through hands-on activities.

  2. We believe it is important for kids to understand the importance of preserving the natural world. Facilitating connection to the natural world through play-based activities and hands on experience is implemented into our curriculum to achieve this goal.

  3. Outdoor education is a continual learning experience, it cannot be narrowed down into a single field trip or class. Outdoor education is crucial to everyday life. Facilitating this knowledge at a young age will promote lifelong habits that students will carry with them and pass down to future generations.

Sea Hugger is a proud community partner of Green Guardians.

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Did you know?

  1. Students with natural views in classrooms do better on tests.

  2. Workers who see trees and flowers are less stressed and report fewer illnesses. And that’s just a view.

  3. Being among plants lowers concentration of stress hormones, lowers blood pressure, and boosts the immune system.

  4. People who meet in nature have a stronger sense of community, and their prejudices for racist and economic status are reduced.

  5. Being in nature reduces children ADHD symptoms. The more nature we get at childhood, the more we want it as adults.

  6. Time spent outdoors gives us wonders of the outdoors and the universe.

(Source: the Project Wild Thing)

The more we help foster youth connection to mama ocean, the more likely we are to stop the rising plastic tide.