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Beach Clean Ups

Sea Hugger hosts beach clean ups monthly in Half Moon Bay, CA and facilitiates cleanups in other communities from San Francisco, to San Diego.


Give us your butts

Cigarettes are the #1 marine contaminant and we pick them up by the bucket at our beach cleanups. We’ve partnered with Keep America Beautiful to install these cigarette receptacles at businesses all around the harbor, which are then recycled properly with TerraCycle to be upcycled into industrial pallets.

Through Sea Hugger's Cigarette Butt Receptacle program, we have properly recycled over 79 pounds of discarded cigarettes with Terracycle!


Sea Hugger works to incorporate outdoor education into the general education system. We believe it is crucial for humans to learn to respect and care for our planet at a young age, to ensure a lifetime of appreciation and good stewardship of our home. Our Virtual Field Trips offer kids everywhere the chance to learn about the wonders of Mama Ocean!


Graphic based off Plastic Pollution Coalition


Systemic changes

Breaking our reliance on single-use plastic is a complicated issue requiring multiple solutions. Although we encourage the individual to reduce their plastic consumption, the problem ultimately needs to be fixed at the government and manufacturing level. Sea Hugger is working with innovators and activists to stop the plastic tide!


Micro Grants

There are no plastic collectors and no infrastructure in many of South African and Mexican communities. Litter is dumped everywhere and unemployment is at 40%. We are happy to award our microgrant to Litter4Tokens in South Africa and Trash4Tokens in Mexico, so that this devastation is turning into action. Your donations to Sea Hugger also make a global impact with our grantees!


Image provided by Litter 4 Tokens


Underwater Dives

Our beach cleanups cover the surface of plastic and trash pollution, but what about the ocean’s floor? Thanks to local our volunteers and Lifeguard/Sea Hugger Ambassador, Jason Stark, we put on our 10mm wetties and dive for trash (literally) in Pillar Point Harbor.

So far we’ve collected…